Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Lessons begin next week - January 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Students were asked to complete 2 weeks of practice during the 4 weeks of Christmas break.

Here is a "funny" for you from one of my up and coming students, Mequell Guidry. Thanks to her mom, Jessie for sharing it with me!

Mequell: Mom, are you trying to kill us with piano?
Mom: Yes! Guns and swords are too messy, so we thought we’d kill you with our piano.
Mequell: Well, shouldn’t you just drop it on us??

Please feel free to share any of these "funnies" with me! I enjoy them!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Top TEN Scorers for December

1st place - Madison 925
2nd place - Rhian 820
3rd place - Mariah 700
4th place - Alexandra 665
5th place - Mikala 645
6th place - Dylan 585
7th place - Carlie 550
8th place - Brian 515
9th place - tie: Tavis & Joey 440
10th place - Gavin 410
Students should be at between 400 and 500 points right not to be "on track". The goal for the year is 1,000 points by April 30th.
I gave a 1/2 sheet of paper to all students who came to Theory Classes. This is a guide for them to do extra credit work over the Christmas holiday. It includes Five -Finger-Patterns and Scales.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Piano Explorer Work

This week at lessons, I have been sending home the following note:
All Magazine work for August, September, October and November issues of Piano Explorer Magazine will be due by:
After January 22, I will only accept magazine work for December, January, February, March and April.

High Points for November

High Point Scorers for November are:
#1 - Madison (710)
#2 - Rhian (605)
#3 - Alexandra (565)
#4 - Mariah (545)
#5 - Carlie (410)
#6 - Gavin (390)
#7 - Dylan (385)
#8 - Brian (370)
#9 - Mikala & Tavis) (355)
#10 - Micah (350)
We'll add up points again next week (DEc. 7 - 11)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Theory Classes

Monday 4:15 class: front row: Mariah, Taylor, Rhian, Brundige Back: Mikala, Maddie, Gavin, Micah, Harold

Thursday 5:15 class: Daniel (the hairy one!), Alexandra, Dylan, James

Thursday 4:30 Class: Jordan, Ben, Mequell and "the headless pianist" AKA William!

Sorry to the Monday 5:15 class . . . I forgot to take your picture!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

High Scores for October 2009

1 - Madison Dabney - 380
2 - Rhian Jonckowski - 310
3 - tie: Carlie Meyers, Mariah Sudweeks - 285
4 - Joey Zitzman - 275
5 - Alexandra Baker - 250
6 - Gavin Moore - 245
7 - tie: William Nguyen, Micah Sudweeks -220
8 - Tavis Phan - 210
9 - Dylan Kuester - 200
10 - tie: Aubrey McCleve, Jordan Jonckowski - 180

Students should be in the 200 area to be "on track" to reach 1,000 by April 30.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

30 Minute Lab - October 09

In October, we'll be learning about Muzio Clementi and listening to some of his compostions.

We're staying on MusicAce 1 so you can try to be a high scorer on some of the games.

You can also:
- try the wrap-up cards or flash cards that are out. You can earn points by doing them in 1
- work in your Theory Workbook
- work on your EX pages in your assignment book
- work on extra credit work from your Piano Explorer Magazines

Go to this link to see a very young student perform one of Clementi's most famous pieces:

Here is another link:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

High Point Scorers for September!

The top 10 point scorers for September are:
1 - Madison Dabney- 245
2 - William Nguyen - 125
3 - tie: Tavis Phan & Mikala Phillips - 110
4 - tie: Jordan Jonckowski & Rhian Jonckowski - 105
5 - Micah Sudweeks - 100
6 - Anthony Nguyen - 95
7- Aubrey McCleve - 90
8 - tie: Taylor Jonckowski & Mariah Sudweeks - 85
9 - tie: Alexandra Baker & Dylan Kuester & Gavin Moore - 80
10 Carlie Meyers - 70

Saturday, September 19, 2009

An Experiment . . .

Students: try this and then tell me about it and I'll give you 15 extra points this week!

As musicians, we think we have coordination . . . but maybe we could practice this to outsmart our foot!
This is from an orthopedic surgeon. It will confuseyour mind and you will keep trying over and overagain to see if you can outsmart yourfoot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed in your brain!

1. While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the airwith your right hand. Your foot will change direction.
I told you so! Apparently, there is nothing you can do about it! You and I both knowhow stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again,if you've not already done so.

Friday, September 11, 2009

30 Minute Lab - September 09

In September, our composer of the month is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Students can:
- work in their Theory Workbooks
- work on EX - Exercise pages in assignment books
- listen to selections by Mozart
- work on Piano Explorer Magazine extra assignments
- do wrap up cards

Christmas Music!

It's time to think about CHRISTMAS MUSIC in my studio! Nov. 28 is the BAMTA/Barnes and Noble Playathon this year. Students will play holiday music in the store for patrons and it serves as a fund raiser for BAMTA. Please send ANY CHRISTMAS MUSIC with your student by Sept. 25. Even if you think it is too easy, send it anyway. If new music is needed, I'll take care of that.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Composer Statue points goal for 2009-2010

This year, students will need to earn 1,000 points in order to be awarded a composer statue at the end of the school year. Last year, the class average of points was 1,100 - so this is an achievable goal! You'll need to do some work in your Piano Explorer Magazine each month in order to earn the required 1,000 points. Plan on earning 125 to 150 points each month and it'll be easy!

30 Minute Lab - August 09

This month, we'll do a variety of the following:
1 - listen to music by John Phillip Sousa
2 - play "Composer Mouse" on the computer
3 - start our new Theory Workbooks
4 - begin our "Question of the Week" for this year
5 - work in your "Piano Explorer" magazine

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fall Piano Lessons

If you are reading this, it is because you got my information in the mail and are trying out my new blog! Fall Lessons begin the week of August 10. Please let me know if there are any problems with your lesson time or your Theory Class time.

I look forward to seeing all of my students and starting a new year! I have a lot of fun things planned for 2009-2010!

Comment on this post and I'll give your student 20 bonus points before the year even starts!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


May 2, 2009 was a celebration for all students in the Peterson Piano Studio! We had our Annual Spring Piano Recital. Mrs. Peterson celebrated 25 years of teaching piano. Students performed very well and were happy to share all that they have learned this year with the audience. Thank you parents, friends and families for supporting your piano student!

Fall/Winter Piano Lessons

You should have all received your forms for Fall Piano Lessons. This is due back to me by July 1. Remember, the sooner you get it in, the more likely you will be to get the time and day you prefer. I've already gotten forms for 2 students! If you have any questions, please call or email me.


1 - Madison Dabney
2 - Alexandra Baker
3 - Mikala Phillips
4 - Mariah Sudweeks
5 - Tavis Phan
6 - Taylor Jonckowski
7 - Carlie Meyers
8 - Micah Sudweeks
9 - Rainee Hegdale
10 - Gavin Moore

Summer Piano Lessons

Summer Piano Lessons will begin the week of June 1. If you have any questions or conflicts with the schedule I gave you, feel free to call or email me and I'll change it for you.