Monday, August 3, 2009

Composer Statue points goal for 2009-2010

This year, students will need to earn 1,000 points in order to be awarded a composer statue at the end of the school year. Last year, the class average of points was 1,100 - so this is an achievable goal! You'll need to do some work in your Piano Explorer Magazine each month in order to earn the required 1,000 points. Plan on earning 125 to 150 points each month and it'll be easy!

30 Minute Lab - August 09

This month, we'll do a variety of the following:
1 - listen to music by John Phillip Sousa
2 - play "Composer Mouse" on the computer
3 - start our new Theory Workbooks
4 - begin our "Question of the Week" for this year
5 - work in your "Piano Explorer" magazine