This year, I decided to try a new event that is offered to piano teachers. It is called "Junior Auditons". It is sponsored by the Oklahoma Music Teachers Association and my local OMTBA group. Students in grades 3 through 8 perform one piece for a judge. Students are grouped as follows:
3rd & 4th grades, 5th & 6th grades, 7th & 8th grades
At the end of each group, the judge chooses a Winner, Alternate and sometimes, and Honorable Mention. Winners are expected to perform at the Eastern District Conference for OMTA on Nov. 20. This is held at OBU in Shawnee, OK.
Well, I selected two students to participate in Junior Auditions this year. It was an experiment! I wanted to see how the Audition worked and if it was worth entering my students in on a regular basis. The experiment is complete and the result is: I think it is a great opportunity for serious students. I plan to have more patrticipate next year!
In the 5th & 6th grade category, DYLAN KUESTER was chosen as the WINNER!
In the 7th & 8th grade categorey, GAVIN MOORE was chosen as the ALTERNATE!
Congratulations to both of these fine young men. I couldn't be more proud!
Please congratulate these boys if you see them....
It was a good day!